Friday, January 27, 2006

Long lost feeling!

Long long time ago, I used to have this feeling inside in my body that I was pretty sure of what I was doing. But I do not remember exactly when that feeling started fading away from my system. I have accidentally or delibrately, I donot know which one, created a scenario which has forced me to admit the existence of the feeling which was right in front of me, screaming to be answered, to be taken care of and I had tried with atmost sincerity to deny it. Others suffered from it, not I, was my reply. But I do suffer from it , atleast at some levels.
It is so simple that it explains most of the things in my life at this stage. Occam's razor does work. But I am not able to explain when the transformation happened. I am still looking for an answer, most probably I have the answer some where inside me, what I am looking for is words to put it in.


At 12:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude whats up?
Why this pessisism all of a sudden?
Your last two posts defy the general trend your blog had taken-of finding answers instead of posing some new ones.So is IIT system beyond retribution?Could nothing be made out of the optimism and drive that you sometimes garner abroad??
I would be waiting for ur answers.

At 8:45 AM, Blogger Phoenix said...

d u really need words?


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