Tuesday, November 15, 2005

A toast!

But surely in all irony of history or in the history of irony, there has been nothing so strange as the tribute of dynamite to the peace of world.

I went to the Nobel Museum recently. Though I was disappointed by the size of it ( it is very small :-( and it is more about Einstein coz they are celebrating the centennial celebrations of the year 1905) it turned out to be quite good food for thought. I do not know what most of them got there prizes for but I would give them for a few lines some of them said. Though no photgraphs were allowed, I remember the text and will reproduce it.

I search not , I find . - Pablo Picasso

Happiness hates the timid, so does sceince - Eugene o Neill.

We haven't the money, so we got to think. - Ernest Rutherford.

I could go on and on but I have to come to Robert B. Laughlin's speech. It is nice to read and even better to hear. Listening his speech made me remember what I had planned to write some long time back.
It is about my behaviour of taking the people who are close to me for granted. The people I love, my family, my best friends I really miss them when I am away from all of them. But I have this monster inside of me, the same devil with the red horns who comes out and makes Tom do all the crazy things in Tom and Jerry ( Yes , I still watch the show :-) ) . I turn it into this obnoxious mean beast who wants to show that I do not need them. I can survive by myself in this ghastly world. I try to show that I really do not care about them and so they should stop caring about me. When actually I care, When actually I know I need all of them and I would not be here without them. How my mom used to look forward to having me each weekend home and I used to go back and sleep and I had more important work to do. Something more important than five minutes undivided attention to my mom. How when my father used to call, I always was busy. Cause that was when I used to care what people around me used to think about me. 2 min for the two most important people of my life, I did not use to take them out.
The first part of killing the monster is realizing that you have a monster residing inside of you. I know the people who know me still like me for what I am. They know my moods and send what I say in my moments of anger, madness directly out of the system. But how precarious is my situation. What if I lost them in fit of temporary insanity, for that is what it is. No better still , it is recurring insanity. It is amazing that how careless I can get with the people who care most about me.
That brings me to my second conclusion, Multitasking is not that good a skill to have for a mortal. It is too hard to learn in its true sense. The ability to give undivided attention to one thing at a time is a trait I would like to have. That's what makes a person a good listener, isn't it? I will start practising this art from this moment onwards. So no more multi chats and no more doing some thing else while talking on the phone. You can save loads of time they claim but I have enough I think.
Finally, as Laughlin, this post is a toast to parents. I would not be here but for my parents. And I have never ever thanked them for this. We thank everybody who helps us out even a little bit in trouble but we never thank our parents, our brothers and sisters. It is an English concept I know and I hate borrowing it but why do we hold it back. When all of us are grateful to our parents, Why do not we show it? We should mean it finally. We do not show our emotions that often. Why the need to hold off your emotions most of the time. When was the last time you actually said to your parents that you loved them?
I have not said it for a long time and so I say it here : Love you Mom and Dad, and You too Sis and thanx for everything.

Born originals, how comes it to pass, that we die copies? - Edward Young


At 3:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A few weeks ago I had a similar encounter with the devil inside. I guess its important to realize that it exists, but its even more important to know that there is a very good person in there as well.. the one that keeps the devil in check. there would have been no good without the bad.

At 9:51 AM, Blogger Phoenix said...

That's an amazing amout on soul searching..and yes, that's very true...a lot many of us keep realising this at some point or the other in our life, though we don't really necaessarily act on it for long enough.
ABSENCE MAKES THE HEART GROW FONDER and probably that's why these realisations come wen we are away, but not when we have the opportunity.

Anyway, ur visit is smthng for others like us to really envy!:P
And the lesson u point out is one to lern for us too, though I think it's a way too easy!
the monster lives within all of us...i stay within 20 kms of the hostel, but i hardly spen more than 100 hours a month at home EVER..that's including longer holidays.
and all vacations I usuallyy stay out too!
It's sad I know, but...
naah i'm not giving any explanations.
it's just sad.

but still, multitaksing is smthng i can hardly live without...
u make me even more jealous by claiming u have time!!!

At 3:55 PM, Blogger Siddhartha Banerjee said...


At 9:25 PM, Blogger inhas said...

@ shivam close encounters of the eight kind are these encounters?? I know happens to everybody but just felt like saying it.

@ phoenix read the next comment...no soul searching just plain simple thoughts... I have time now for things that matter... The things that do not matter do not require to have time...Time is like your money... though it gets spent even if you do not use it... waise you do more blog hopping than me... why do you then complain about time?

@ bofi may be a litte.... but surely you are great when I writ e all those words and you leave me one worder....homesick???

At 9:32 AM, Blogger Phoenix said...

That's because blog-hopping is almost a neccesary essential and iimportant activity for me..
I have to do it, so I have to keep time for it, and i include it in my multitasking list
ok u might say it's nt that important or if I fall short of time I should not do it..
But u know what, inspite of this, inspite of most things actually, I feel I'm the most wela jobless person on earth!!!!
And I hate having time to kill...so I normally try and overburden myself...blogging included, though occassionally things like acads wd suffer because the other-activity component has a greater value than it shd momentarily.......
But so what..
actually, there's a fun even in cribbing abt no time and wastin time over the whining:P!!

At 2:27 PM, Blogger Siddhartha Banerjee said...

Shit...I am not sure if that was intended to be sarcasm...I'll assume not.
I hate writing 'good post' sort of comments, they seem a bit too inane. I also hate writing philosophical stuff because I am not very confident off late that I won't end up contradicting myself. Yet if I don't write, I am not sure whether you will assume I am reading your blog( which I am), or not.
When one's font of words dry up, one retreats to good old Laconia.
Atleast it wasn't a 'BoFi was here!' comment:P

At 4:40 PM, Blogger inhas said...

@ phoenix there is fun in even killing time... and i agree some times it is fun to crib about stuff.. kindly do not get addicted to it.

@ bofi i know you are reading but give me some feedback atleast than one worders. Though Your question made me think about home again. I was not thinking about only about family when i wrote this. Though i take it from your comment that is was a 'good' post (me me always trying to show off :-) )... keep reading...


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