Friday, October 21, 2005

Some eyes to make you laugh!!!

Are you one of those who make a checklist for everything you do : groceries, things to be done and other weird activities. Now I always check if I have enough pens for an exam ( the number will not be disclosed) before an exam and this is the list of all things ever used in an exam I could come up with before my 2B1446 Inbygdda System exam

1. Reference Book (if allowed)
2. Enought pens
3. Two pencils
4. An eraser
5. A calculator
6 A ruler
7. A compass
8 Mathematical tables
9. Chocolates to eat in an exam more than one hour
10. Water/ Juice / Any Drink which works for you

After the exam i have added one more thing to the list which will be discussed after a little while. Now swedish exams are usually 4 hrs long and you have enough time. Now the exam under mention had 20 questions which required not more than 1.5 hrs to do them in IIT time. Now yours truly was on the way of achieving this time (they may not be all correct!!!!) when suddenly something fell with a DUHH! on the table before me and I wanted to scream: what is the matter with you swedes, I am trying to finish a paper here. Before the scream found a voice, I noticed that i could not see clearly with my right eye. then the realization came to me : the right lens of my spectacles had fallen out and created the DUH! Now since I can not see clearly without my glasses ( I have a power of -8.5 dioptres for those who do not know), I stopped doing the paper and started to repair my glasses. Since I can not see it was not an easy task and neither in the end was i successful. After twenty minutes of this labour, I gave up since a guy decided to hand in his paper. I started doing the paper WITHOUT my glasses. Imagine the sight of me having paper so close to my head that I could smell it better than I could see it.

The ordeal ended in 2 hr 10 minutes with this conclusion and the following item in my list
spare glasses or a spectacle repair kit.

Btw I travelled back without my glasses 45 in subway though i confused the time for next train as 11 min when it was only 1 minute. I reachedd safely home and repaired the spectacles while wearing my other spectacles.

Have a laugh at the expense of inhastajar for I also laugh when I imagine my state in the exam.


At 8:25 AM, Blogger Siddhartha Banerjee said...

Shit...I have actually never thought of that lenses keep popping off from time to time, but they never have fallen off at any inoportune time yet...
Thankfylly though, mie pack way less all that results is a vaguely hazy view of the world...
Chocholates in exam? What happened to Polo? Don't they have peppermints in Sweden?


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