Wednesday, October 05, 2005

I don't care anymore...

First a set of warnings to the readers of this page....
  1. On retrospection you will not find anything new in this blog which you have not already read or heard somewhere before. So DO NOT waste your time unless you have lots to spare.
  2. It may get a little boring ( ok Lot boring) sometimes coz i tend to go on and on and on and on.......
  3. Finally it may seem to random and unorganized for I love to live in chaos and i type slower than the speed ideas sift through my mind.

So if you are ready to take the plunge take regular deep breadths and read on...

For a long time in the dictionary in my head there were two words that came up in my head when i tried to describe myself in one word ( one of those questions you get everywhere). But then one day i learned this new word ambivert which you can guess is a mixture of qualities of both introversion and extroversion and that is what i am. I was not one of those who was going to share my deepest darkest feelings with every luncatic who wanted to know what was happening in somebody's life for i feared what that person may feel about me if we ever met in person. That was a fear that kept me from blogging for a long time. But now i do not simply care what others think about me.

This has come about during last two months in my life in which i have had time to think about all those mind wrenching questions that people consider philosophical. I never understood that crap. The rubbish way of trying to explain life in words that no body understands but no I know that life can not be put into words. Period. It can only be experienced. I am not a well read individual but there is no greater joy than reading or hearing the write thing at the write moment in your life. For the first time in my life I am not in a race. A race to run faster, a race to run farther and a race to run for running sake. For I am lost and too tired to run. I have no destination to run to. So I sit down to enjoy the view around me and I am loving all I am seeing.

There is also one more word that i can be described with ( not that i like the description very much). I am an IITian (how i would love to kill the person who coined it). Not a person or an individual but an IITian. But its the place i can both simultaneously hate and love. The place has helped me experience so much life that i love it. I hate it for the price i had to pay to get this experience. And now i am away from that place i love it even more but i also hate it even more ( to be elaborated in the future writings).

This blog will also serve as a log of my days in sweden. I am going to follow somebody's advice and write the experiences as they happen instead of writing them about later after too much thought. There is one word that i love about Sweden. It is the word lagom which means not too much and not too little. In every aspects of life the word to follow - Lagom. Think about it.

Finally the last word ( i promise) that describes me is Shaitan Raj. For i will not let you live in peace while i am still around and i will force the dead to come to life and live again. Also i thank the Two Great people with a lesser mortal who christened this name.

More to follow from the devil in heaven..... So keep reading....

P.S. The warnings indicate that i still care what other people think but now its only lagom.


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