Of things said and unsaid...
Dramatic Effects often have distant, even subtle, causes. Things that gather momentum start with a little small push. I have realized that I have hurt a lot of people who have crossed me by in my journey in life and not so unsurprisingly I have also been hurt by some people. That is life I agree. There was a time when I believed my way of life was right and I thought I knew my friends well enough to tell them what I thought right according to my way. Then I got into the thought process that maybe I didnot have a real 'way' in my life at all (A little digression, my friend says that once you start 'the' thought process, it does not stop. I hope to the contrary.). And with that I decided to keep my power to affect's people lives inside me. I say so cause I believe everybody affects things that are happening around us, in some small way and another.With this realization has come another one. How things that are buried and kept silent slowly eat you from inside and slowly leave you hollow. Words, both spoken and unspoken, can leave scars that keep hurting for a long time. An inoccuous sounding comment can hurt more than the speaker can imagine. Some thorns get so deeply buried in the heart that they bring out a side of us we never knew existed when they are taken out. But I have also felt that people get hurt by things that are not spoken when they should have been. Of scars that get caused when people keep things within or tell to late. I do not know which scars hurt more, of things spoken or of things not spoken. I think they are scars of different kinds. People with hearts can take things to heart that were never said. Atleast I do and some times I know it too. And then it hurts me more. Which of the greater devil to side with is a question that I have no answer in words , both spoken and unspoken. I hope there is atleast somebody who knows. I hope one day I will be that somebody.